When you demand better performance

Expert in application efficiency

Do slow and clumsy information systems make your work more difficult?

24Apps Oy is an IT company that offers excellent IT solutions. We specialise in the improvement of application efficiency and usability, offering expert analysis, consultation and software.

Measurement and monitoring

We measure and monitor the response time, usability and efficiency of web pages, information networks and servers. We have converted poorly performing systems into quick ones, and more efficient to use

We specialise in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Ask us also for other monitoring solutions concerning ERP systems.

Together with our partners

AX Partner Oy and 24Apps Oy have been cooperating successfully for years to ensure the performance, usability and correctness of ERPs. Together we can offer our customers the best solutions to enhance the efficiency and usability of applications.



Contact us and ask for more!

Contact us

Sales and consulting
Risto Hakamäki
Tel. +358 50 910 4350